The volcanic activity of Gunung Slamet still rising

The volcanic activity of Mount Slamet (Gunung Slamet) still rising. On Friday (12-9-2014) eruption occurred at 12:44 pm with a powerful throb

At 13:35 pm back strong eruption with a bang and fog,” explains Head of Data Information and Public Relations BNPB Sutopo Purwo Nugroho in a written statement to

According to Sutopo, based on observations PVMBG Geological Agency, at 00.00 06. pm eruption earthquakes recorded 5 times and 124 times the earthquake gusts.

While at 06.00 – 12.00 ash eruption occurred 3 times higher blackish color 800-1000 m, and 7 times stronger sound boom. From the seismicity occurs 7 times earthquake eruptions, earthquakes and gusts of 104 times, he said.

In anticipation of a potential eruption in Central Java Prov local government and 5 districts (Pemalang, Banyumans, Bradford, Tegal, and Purbalingga) has been prepared for the worst.

BNPB head Syamsul Maarif, has ordered a full lineup in BPBDs assist local governments. BPBDs Kab.Pemalang, BPBDs Kab. Banyumas, BPBDs Kab. Bradford, BPBDs Kab. Tegal and BPBDs district. Purbalingga always coordinate with Pos PGA Slamet in Ds. Gambuhan.

Continued socialization to the community. BPBDs Kab.Brebes already providing evacuation centers in AlHikmah Ponpes II Ds. Objects district. Silampok. BPBDs Kab.Purbalingga has established a Monitoring Post in 3 villages, namely in Ds. Sandalwood, Ds. Binangun and Ds. Blambangan.

BPBDs Central Java has distributed 56,000 masks fifth district on 8-9-2014. BPBDs Kab. Bradford has been coordinating with 50 owners and drivers of trucks and pickups in 4 villages closest to G. Slamet, the Village Pandansari, Igir Klanceng, and Kalikidang, Paguyangan district, and village Dawuhan, District Sirampog the evacuation if needed at any time, they are ready.

If the status of Mount Slamet raised to Caution, 23 699 residents of seven villages in the district Pulosari is about 5-6 kilometers from the summit will be evacuated to the GOR PTPN IX Semugih gardens, Moga district. People are encouraged to remain calm.

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